Solar PV Products

At EireVolt Energy, we exclusively partner with industry-leading brands to ensure our customers always receive the highest quality products and services. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our use of Tier 1 solar PV panels, assuring you of top-tier performance and reliability.

Additional Services

ÉireVolt specialises in solar PV, but we also offer a range of additional products and services which can contribute to improving energy efficiency within your property. These include:

  • Solar Hot Water Diverters. These innovative devices work by diverting any unused solar power to an electrical appliance of your choosing, such as an immersion heater or electric heater.
  • Battery Storage Solutions. These products can store the excess electricity generated by your solar PV system, and this energy can then be used to power your home at times when your solar panels don’t generate enough electricity, including nights, cloudy days, and during power outages.
  • Energy Efficient Heating Systems – Infrared Heating & Heat Pumps. Infrared heaters work by converting electricity into electricity, emitting heat to directly warm the walls, floor and ceiling of a building. Heat pumps, on the other hand, capture heat from outside and move it into your home using electricity.
  • LED Lighting Solutions. LED lighting products produce light up to 90% more efficiently than incandescent light bulbs, making them a superbly energy efficient investment. The Éirevolt Energy team can offer retrofit and new installations to your property.


EireVolt offers a comprehensive selection of warranties for all our solar PV equipment, as follows:

• 25-Year Limited Power Warranty
• 10-Year Limited Product Warranty
• 10-Year Inverter and Mounting Warranty
• 5-Year Workmanship Warranty

If you have any queries at all about our warranties, our friendly team is happy to help.


At ÉireVolt Energy, our commitment to your solar PV system extends far beyond the installation process. We understand that regular maintenance is essential to ensure your solar panels continue to perform at their best. Our comprehensive maintenance services encompass everything from routine cleaning and system inspections to prompt aftercare. We’re dedicated to keeping your solar investment in optimal condition, maximising energy production, and providing you with peace of mind for years to come. Your clean, efficient, and hassle-free solar energy solution starts here.

Our friendly team is happy to talk you through the complete suite of maintenance we offer.


ÉireVolt Energy offers flexible payment options, including instalment plans, to make the transition to solar energy as smooth as possible for you. We also provide guidance on available financial assistance programs and grants, helping you explore cost-saving opportunities that align with your budget. Our aim is to ensure that financing your solar panel installation is hassle-free and accessible. We’re here to empower you to take control of your energy costs and embrace a sustainable future without breaking the bank. Your solar journey starts with us, where we’ve got your financial wellbeing in mind.